Structure de la base de données

2015-09-14 15:05:28    azalea    7512

La dénomination des bases de données ZenTao est assez simple et concise. Vous pouvez deviner les objectifs et les fonctions de chaque table par les noms. Si vous n'êtes pas clair, retrouvez-les dans les fichiers de langue correspondants des tableaux.

1. Tableaux relatifs aux produits

zt_product   //product-reated information;
zt_productPlan  //product-related plans;
zt_story  //an important table recording all the stories; zt_storySpec records the history of stories;

zt_release // records release information of the product. This table is also mutually associated to zt_build.

2. Tables liées au projet

zt_project  //project tables;
zt_projectProduct  //the correlations between projects and products;
zt_proejctStory  //all the stories that will be done in the projects;
zt_task  //task tables;
zt_burn  //data lof the Burndown chart, which is generated based on the data in this table;
zt_team  // the team members in the project;
zt_build  //records the build lists of the products in the project.

3. Tester les tables associées

zt_bug  //bug tables;
zt_case  //test case tables; zt_caseStep records the history and steps of cases;
zt_testTask  //test task tables;
zt_testRun  //executions of test cases corresponded to test tasks;
zt_testResult  //the execution results of each test case.

4. Tables liées à la bibliothèque de documents

zt_docLib  //lists of the custom document libraries;
zt_doc  //all the documents.

5. Tables liées à l'entreprise

zt_user  //user tables;
zt_group  //group tables;
zt_userGroup  //correlations between users and groups;
zt_groupPriv  //group previleges;
zt_dept //department structure tables;
zt_userQuery //custom query tables;
zt_userTPL //custom templates tables;
zt_todo  //to-do tables;

6. Tableaux communs

zt_company //a root table recording the information about the company;
zt_module  //an important table which maintains the data of the division of modules in ZenTao;
zt_action  //action history tables, recording all the change history of each object;
zt_history  //records the value changes before and after actions;
zt_file  //file tables.