ZenTao IOS 1.3.4 and Android 1.4.2 have been released!
- 2016-12-09 15:10:00
- tengfei Original
- 4833
ZenTao IOS 1.3.4 and Android 1.4.2 have been released!
Note: Both IOS and Android only support ZenTao Pro for now. If you want free trial for more users, please contact us at renee@easycorp.ltd.
Change Log
- Optimized interactive experience and made the switch among tags more smooth.
- Added LDAP user login.
- Added more tag to serach in lists and improved tag filter.
- Fixed that deleted items can be accessed.
- All lists and detailed pages display customized categories and status and those can be selected from drop-down lists.
Use your IOS device to serach ZenTao in App Store to get the APP. ZenTao IOS download
Change Log of Android 1.4.2
- Added LDAP user login.
- Optimized tag filters.
- Fixed that deleted items can be accessed.
- All lists and detailed pages display customized categories and status and those can be selected from drop-down lists.
ZenTao Andriod App can be downloaded: http://dl.cnezsoft.com/mobile/zentao_1.4.2_20161207.apk
ZenTao Pro 6-month free trail for up to three users is also available to be downloaded from our official website. If you want free trial for more users, please contact us at renee@easycorp.ltd.
- ZDOO Cloud
- A propos de nous
- Courriel: Philip@easycorp.ltd
- WhatsApp: 0086 18563953295
- Skype: philip517