Actualités IT

La China Open Source Conference 2019 est presque arrivée!China Open Source Conference 2019, la conférence la plu...
Student Open Source Conference(sosconf) is organized by an international community of students, who have also contribute...
Hi Guys,Some months back, I published an article on “Exposed JIRA server leaks NASA staff and project data” in w...
ZenTao is a project management software for software development projects. Management in ZenTao starts with adding a pro...
Le service complémentaire de traduction ZenTao est disponible!ZenTao a d'abord été proposé en chinois et en angl...
Samwell is a high-tech company devoted to the design and development of automotive electronic products. They are long ti...
On the introduction page of a popular open source software (OSS) project, the author mentioned 1 Corinthians 9:19-2...
1926   2019-06-20

Open Source Summit 2019 China

Open Source Summit China 2019 will be in Shanghai from June 24, 2019 to June 26,2019. This summit is conducted by&n...
Congratulations! ZenTao is the TOP 1 most popular testing management tool in 2018.According to the survey by 51testi...
Being productive is the ultimate goal for every team. You might have already tried all kinds of tools, Jira, Asana,...