ZenTao 9.6.2 has been released!

2017-11-17 15:58:00

ZenTao 9.6.2 has been released! It is mainly about fixing bugs in ZenTao 9.6 and optimizing details.

  • Adjusted logic of restricted user privilege and set built-in restricted user group.
  • Fixed the issue that cc list is not cleared after sending emails in ZenTao Cloud.

Amendant Record

1289  Invalid Save after clearing linked product/project when manage added webhook.
1288  After deleting a product line, it is still on the list to choose when adding a new product.

1287  When managing product line, users will be warned as "You have no access to this product" except super admin.
1282  Multi user task cannot be started.


Source Code Package

1: http://sourceforge.net/projects/zentao/files/9.6.2/ZenTaoPMS.9.6.2.zip/download
2: http://dl.cnezsoft.com/zentao/9.6.2/ZenTaoPMS.9.6.2.zip

One-Click Package for Integrated Runtime

( I t is ONLY for first time installation. Do Not download it to up grade ZenTao. )

Windows 64 bit one-click installation

1: http://sourceforge.net/projects/zentao/files/9.6.2/ZenTaoPMS.9.6.2.win64.exe/download

2: http://dl.cnezsoft.com/zentao/9.6.2/ZenTaoPMS.9.6.2.win64.exe

Windows 32 bit one-click installation

1: http://sourceforge.net/projects/zentao/files/9.6.2/ZenTaoPMS.9.6.2.win32.exe/download

2: http://dl.cnezsoft.com/zentao/9.6.2/ZenTaoPMS.9.6.2.win32.exe

Windows one-click installation(No security Settings)

1: http://sourceforge.net/projects/zentao/files/9.6.2/ZenTaoPMS.9.6.2.old.exe/download

2: http://dl.cnezsoft.com/zentao/9.6.2/ZenTaoPMS.9.6.2.old.exe

Linux 64 bit one-click installation
1: http://sourceforge.net/projects/zentao/files/9.6.2/ZenTaoPMS.9.6.2.zbox_64.tar.gz/download
2: http://dl.cnezsoft.com/zentao/9.6.2/ZenTaoPMS.9.6.2.zbox_64.tar.gz

Linux 32 bit one-click installation

1: http://sourceforge.net/projects/zentao/files/9.6.2/ZenTaoPMS.9.6.2.zbox_32.tar.gz/download
2: http://dl.cnezsoft.com/zentao/9.6.2/ZenTaoPMS.9.6.2.zbox_32.tar.gz
Note:Linux one-click installation package has to be unzipped to /opt.

DEB:use dpkg manager to install in Ubuntu/Debian

1: http://sourceforge.net/projects/zentao/files/9.6.2/ZenTaoPMS_9.6.2_1_all.deb/download

2: http://dl.cnezsoft.com/zentao/9.6.2/ZenTaoPMS_9.6.2_1_all.deb

RPM:use rpm manager to install in Centos
1: http://sourceforge.net/projects/zentao/files/9.6.2/zentaopms-9.6.2-1.noarch.rpm/download

2: http://dl.cnezsoft.com/zentao/9.6.2/zentaopms-9.6.2-1.noarch.rpm

Install and Upgrade Document

If you have any questions or would like to get a free trial for more than three users, contact Renee@cnezsoft .com for help.

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