ZenTao Open Source 12.3.stable is released
- 2020-04-14 13:35:00
- Renee Teng Original
- 3769
ZenTao Open Source 12.3.stable is released. This release mainly integrates unit testing and continuous integration. Uploading test results need to integrate ZTF automated testing framework. For details about ZTF, visit https://www.ztesting.net
Change Log
4711 When the url type is GET, prompts show that there is no data in the exported case file.
4709 Uploading test results via ZTF and test requests can be selected.
4708 Unit testing result can be displayed.
4611 Test results of unit testing can be uploaded.
4610 Run unit tests in ZTF and get the execution results.
4420 Implement examples of automated test for realizing
ZenTao .
4417 Support JUnit test framework.
4685 Support ZTF test script results in compile results.
4682 Display unit test case results summary
in compile
isplay unit test cases in Test.
Return and analyze automated test results.
4678 Jenkins unit test result analysis.
4677 Jenkins unit test result return.
4676 Specifies the type of test tool / framework on the Compile page.
4675 Manually import unit test cases and results.
Source Code Package
One-Click Installation Package for Windows
- Windows 64 bit one-click installation
- Windows 32 bit one-click installation
- Windows one-click installation (No security Settings)
One-Click Installation
Packages for Linux (unzip to /opt )
- Linux 64 bit one-click installation (Ubuntu17+ and Centos7.4+)
- Linux 32 bit one-click installation ( Ubuntu17+ and Centos7.4+ )
- Linux 64 bit one-click installation ( Ubuntu16- and Centos7.3- )
- Linux 32 bit one-click installation ( Ubuntu16- and Centos7.3- )
PHP package
DEB package: Official Website SourceForge
RPM package: Official Website SourceForge
If you have any questions, contact troy @easycorp.ltd for help.

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