Alimentation ZenTao

6837   2016-03-25

ZenTao 8.1.3 is released!

The open source project management system zentao released 8.1 version.
5202   2015-12-02

ZenTao 8.0 is released!

We're very glad to annouce the release of zentao 8.0 version.
ZenTao 7.3 version is released now, with more than thirty improvements.
ChangelogNow user can move a module to another product by edit it's product field.Sprints and products can be draged t...
ChangelogSupport deb package.Support rpm package.Add cron service using ignore_user_abort feature of php.Now can sen...
ZenTao 7.0 stable version released! Since 7.0 the license of ZenTao changed from LGPL to ZPL(
Change LogFix the bug: windows stack control panel can't change ports of apache and mysqlRemove the root directory lim...
ChangelogLimit the access to ioncube wizard page, only super user can access it.Check openssl module enabled or not wh...
ZenTao 6.2 stable version released!
ZenTao 6.1 stable version has been released!