ZenTao Enterprise 3.5.stable Released

2019-11-15 16:31:00

ZenTao Enterprise 3.5.stable has been released! This release is to optimize the Workflow feature in ZenTao and synchronize with ZenTao open source 11.6.5 and Pro 8.5.3. You can check ZenTao open source 11.6.5 Change Log HERE and Pro 8.5.3 Change Log HERE .

About ZenTao Enterprise

For ZenTao Enterprise features, click HERE .

Change Log


9288 Logout time in Attendance is not right.
9287 Trip and Egress is in OA reports.
9286 Set privileges in Feedback. Neither Developer nor Non-Developer users can see public feedback in ALL list.
9285 Click Workflow to check and error page showed.
9284 Click Leave and save. No response.
9283 Force to change password after login the mobile app.
9282 Department attendance is not displayed.
9281 Create Task and error prompts.
9280 User login and jump to the Change Password page.
9279 Attendance. Department cannot be selected on the detail page.
9278 Attendance. Date is not displayed completely.
9277 Attendance. Log error.
9276 Plan of 2020 cannot be displayed.
9275 Item count is not accurate.
9249 Workflow->Add Field->Dropdown. Product branch is not displayed.
9248 Workflow->Add Field. Field is not displayed.
9247 Delete a subflow. ZenTao MySQL is affected.
9246 Added fields cannot be exported.
9244 Prompt which is displayed after a field is added should be consistent with that in the system.
9243 Actions added cannot be seen by users.
9242 Actions added to a bug. The datasource of the affected version is wrong.
9241 Actions added in built-in workflow are not displayed by triggers.
9240 A sub status is added to a task, but the task is not displayed in the lane.
9239 Verification set to the added actions. Its field is not saved.
9237 Sub status of a task is not displayed in the dropdown.
9236 Add a new workflow to the second navigation, but it is not displayed.
9235 Display added workflow and child flow separate;y in Company->Privilege.

9234 Set a subflow but it is not displayed in the parent flow.
9233 Submit a form in the parent flow. Its field is the key of a child flow, and it is not displayed.
9232 Data verification of actions failed.
9231 Export in built-in flow is invalid.
9230 Add Field. The style of the required field need to be optimized.
9229 Add fields to a child flow. Click all but it is not displayed.
9228 Set fields of a child flow checked, but uniqueness is not checked.
9227 Save and Return buttons and positions should be the same.
9225 Entry to set privileges for the added actions of a workflow is not found.
9224 Set the added field as required, but it is not working.
9223 Delete a newly added field in the custom list but an error prompt.
9222 Parameters of a function called are missing.
9221 Built-in form has to be confirmed whether it can be deleted.
9220 Data of the added workflow cannot be exported.2

Installation and Upgrade

  • For the first-time Installation, refer to H ERE.
  • For upgrade (from Open Source Version), refer to HERE.


One-Click Installation Package for Windows

  • Windows 64 bit one-click installation

Official Website

  • Windows 32 bit one-click installation

Official Website

  • Windows one-click installation (No security Settings)

Official Website

One-Click Package ( Packages for Linux have to be unzipped to /opt )

  • Linux 64 bit one-click installation (Ubuntu17+ and Centos7.4+)

Official Website

  • Linux 32 bit one-click installation ( Ubuntu17+ and Centos7.4+ )

Official Website

  • Linux 64 bit one-click installation ( Ubuntu16- and Centos7.3- )

Official Website

  • Linux 32 bit one-click installation ( Ubuntu16- and Centos7.3- )

Official Website

PHP package

If you have any questions or would like to get a free trial for more than three users, contact Philip @easysoft.ltd for help.

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