ZenTao Pro 8.5.2 Released with GIT Sync Branch and LDAP Optimized

2019-09-25 11:14:00

ZenTao Pro 8.5.2 has been released! This release is to synchronize with ZenTao open source 11.6.3. You can check ZenTao open source 11.6.3 Change Log HERE .

About ZenTao Pro

For ZenTao Pro features, click HERE .

Installation and Upgrade

Git Branch Sync in Repo



6370 Add codes to be compatible with Office2016.

6146 Integrate SVN Chinese address.

6123 Update dHtmlx to the latest 6046 and optimize LDAP user import.

6017 Optimize the upgrade workflow.

5978 Database conflicts existing in updating ZenTao with plug-ins installed.

5886 Add tips when restoring deleted users (number of users exceeds the licensed)

5702 Use encrypted password for Repo.

5674 Add a feature to distinguish real ma,es in LDAP realm.

5623 LDAP support memberof.

4333 Add Sync Branch of Git.


1557 When path=GET, errors appear in File field using MSOffice to open it.

1741 Word export. Extra p> is imported.

1753 Export stories in Word but it is not open in Office2016, Office365, Office 2013 and Office 2007.

1756 Inaccurate data in use case execution report.

1757 Git repo diff issue.

1759 Story exported Word file error.

1760 Ailgn=left in exported Word file.

1769 File diff feature is not functioning.

1782 Log in ZenTao as LDAP user but the login time is not updated.

1789 Export a QA report but it is empty.

1792 H5 page of Report BUg. Linked Project and Affect Build are switched.

1798 Progress of a project in Report is not accurately calculated.

1805 Progress in Gantt Chart is abnormal.

1808 Linked Project is the same one no matter which project you are adding an Effort for.

1816 Gantt Chart->Group by Stories. Only one  story i selected.

1821 Issue in project progress report.

1822 Logic issue in Effort Report.

1823 Build report export issue and statistics error.

1834 Space and enter are not fixed in Word exported file.

1839 H5 page of Child Task edit page. It is separated from the parent after editing.

1840 Exported template in Office 2016. Drop-down is not working.

1851 Format error in story exported MS Word.

1853 My Dashboard. Add a task but the hours are not sync to the task history and cost hours.

1861 Template exported for user case can't open.

1862 Exported Word file can't include images.

1894 Decimals can't be included in effort hours on mobile app.

1911 ZenTao Ent 3.4. Exported template in .xls has no drop-down.

1933 Navigation name error.


One-Click Installation Package for Windows

  • Windows 64 bit one-click installation

Official Website SourceForge

  • Windows 32 bit one-click installation

Official Website SourceForge

  • Windows one-click installation (No security Settings)

Official Website SourceForge

One-Click Package ( Packages for Linux have to be unzipped to /opt )

  • Linux 64 bit one-click installation (Ubuntu17+ and Centos7.4+)

Official Website SourceForge

  • Linux 32 bit one-click installation ( Ubuntu17+ and Centos7.4+ )

Official Website SourceForge

  • Linux 64 bit one-click installation ( Ubuntu16- and Centos7.3- )

Official Website SourceForge

  • Linux 32 bit one-click installation ( Ubuntu16- and Centos7.3- )

Official Website SourceForge

PHP package

ZenTao has integrated ZenTao Desktop, with which you can communicate with team members, to start a group conversation, to transfer files, to assign tasks, and to manage projects. It would smooth your team collaboration. ZenTao Desktop is powered by Xuanxuan, a free, open source, and secure Instant Messenger by Nature Easy Soft. It is self-hosted and cross-platform with various plug-ins and rich features. Click HERE to know more about ZenTao Desktop.

ZenTao Desktop

Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit MacOS

ZenTao Desktop Server

Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit MacOS

If you have any questions or would like to get a free trial for more than three users, contact Troy@easysoft.ltd for help.

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