Partage des Connaissances

How much should startups spend on a CRM tool?If you are thinking about this question, you really should try f...
2340   2018-11-13

ZenTao vs. Jira 4: Bug Tracking

Bug tracking is one of the core issues in application development. A great bug tracking tool helps development teams ...
2757   2018-10-17

What is ZenTao?

ZenTao is an open source tool. It integrates product management, project management, test management, document managemen...
SourceForge offers software developers a web-based service "to control and manage free and open-source software projects...
2902   2018-09-18

Kanban and Kanban tools

What is Kanban?Kanban is a workflow visualization tool that enables you to optimize the flow of your work. Physical...
VersionOne recently released the 12th Annual State of Agile Survey. It has an overview of agile adoption and experience ...
2263   2018-09-04

Elephant in the Room

Elephant in the Room: Who writes the bad code? is the speech Niclas Hedhman gave at China Open Source Conference 2016. ...
4507   2018-09-01

Amoeba, TPS, Scrum and XP

Recently, I've joined the Amoeba Study and Tour to Japan and learned about the Amoeba of Kyocera and the TPS of Toyo...
3675   2018-08-29

Evolution of Homo Nerdis

Evolution of Homo Nerdis: From Turing to Trash, is the speech that Niclas Hedhman delivered at the China Open Sourc...
2199   2018-08-17

Product roadmap and plan tools

A product has to be planned and set priorities. A product roadmap is a plan that matches business goals with specific te...