ZenTao Group Features

2019-03-19 15:03:09
Final Edition:tengfei De 2019-03-20 10:28:50

1. ZenTao Group Workflow

1.1 ZenTao Group Structure

ZenTao Group is consisted of Platform (plat) and Node (site). Platform is to summarize all the information regarding to Project, Supplier, and Node. Node is a site which offers the ZenTao Enterprise features to assist users in project management.

Platform users are usually the Party A in a contract, and they manage projects and development plans on the platform and oversee the progress of development projects. Supplier (Party B) users add stories and track the tasks and projects on the site using ZenTao Enterprise.

1.2 ZenTao Group Workflow

  • Platform users create and manage all users and departments on the platform.
  • Platform users create and manage Suppliers.
  • Platform users create and manage development plans and select suppliers for the plans. They also create a site and set the administrator for the site.
  • Supplier users manage users and teams on the site.
  • Supplier users record stories, tasks, and bugs that are related to the development plan and update it.
  • Platform users view and check the progress of plans and projects, and they can also log in the site to check it.

2. Features of Platform and Site

2.1 Platform features

Home, Project, Supplier, Company,  and Admin are the main features on the Platform.

Home: project related information of the sites, including Story, Task, Bug, Plan, Release, Sprint, User, Estimates, Cost and Left hours, and system dynamic are synchronized. 

Project: information of projects and development plans.

Supplier: refers to the Party B that is in charge of finishing stories and tasks as defined in a contract.

Company: users and departments of Party A.

Admin: information of all sites, email notification setting, recycle, and system info.

2.2 Features of the Site

ZenTao Group site is based on features of ZenTao Enterprise which has enhanced Document and added DevOps, Attendance, and Feedback on top of ZenTao open source and ZenTao Pro. For more information, refer to About ZenTao Enterprise


3. Data Synchronization of Platform and Sites

3.1 Project

For projects on the platform, you can select a Supplier and create a Site for it. All the project information will be synchronized in the Project on the Site. On the Site, the workflow is Project-Sprint so to match the Project on the Platform. All stories, bugs, plans, and releases that are recorded in the Site will be synchronized to the Platform.

3.2 Plan

For development plans on the platform, you can select a Supplier. When you create a site for it, the plans will be synchronized on the Site. Party B users can link stories to the plan, create sprints, add tasks for the story, and update the status of a task/bug/build.  Party A users can view information related to the plan on the Platform.

3.3 User

On the Platform, all users added and managed are Party A users. For Party B users, go to Company->User on the Site to manage. Party A users can be synchronized to the Site when creating the Site.


  • All Party A users that have been synchronized from the Platform will be assigned to a department named Platform(Plat).
  • For all users synchronized from the platform, its account will be marked as Client, and its username with _z.  For example, admin in the platform will be admin-z.
  • Users synchronized from the Platform to any site will be assign the privilege of administer on the Site.
  • It is suggested that you do not manage the information of Party A users on the Site.
  • You cannot delete users synchronized from the Plat on a Site. If you want to delete it, go to Plat->Admin->Site and click Edit User.
  • Party A users that have been synchronized to the Site can log in the Site without entering the account and its password. 

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