Supplier and Site

2019-03-20 11:14:19
Final Edition:tengfei De 2019-09-11 16:52:12

After a plan is created for the project, you can start to open a site for it. Synchronize the information of the project and its development plan to the site, and manage your project according to the plan.

1. Choose a Supplier

Click Open of a plan, and enter the page to choose a supplier.


Choose a supplier from the drop-down.


Once a supplier is selected, SLD, Linked Project, and Plan options will be listed.

  • SLD: second-level domain, which should be resolved to the IP of the server that ZenTao Group is installed in.
  • Sync User: Users on the Platform of ZenTao Group can be synchronized as administrators on a site. You can find the synchronized users in Company->User and those users can log in the site without entering their passwords if set as no password required login.
  • Admin username and password: set the username and the password for the site admin.


ZenTao Group .1+, you can choose the ZenTao version for the site. The default settings in a installation package has 10 sites. If you want to try it with over 10 sites, contact to get the license.

2. Site of a Plan

2.1 You can click the domain of fa supplier on the page of Plan Details to visit a site.

2.2 You can also click  Visit on the page of Project Details to visit the site.



  • The default workflow of a site is Project-Sprint, and it is not allowed to change it.
  • Projects of a site is the same as of the platform.
  • Stories, tasks, plans and hours of a project on a site are synchronized to the project of the platform.


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