ZenTao Pro ManualIntroduction au manuel
- About ZenTao Professional
- Install and Upgrade
- 2 ZenTao Upgrade from Open Source to Pro
- 2 New Installation with One-Click Package
- 2 General Installation
- 2 Install ZenTao via Lampp in Linux
- 2 Install Ioncube
- 2 Update ZenTao Pro
- 2 Install LDAP
- Features
- 3 Gantt Chart
- 3 Effort
- 3 Repository and Code Review
- 3 Calendar
- 3 Import/Export MS Excel Files
- 3 Export MS Word Files
- 3 SMS Notification
- 3 LDAP authentication
- 3 Summary Report
- 3 Export a Report
- 3 Crystal Report
- 3 ZenTao IOS and Android App
- License
ZenTao and ZenTao Pro Service
- 2016-06-17 09:16:35
- azalea
- 7347
- Final Edition:tengfei De 2019-01-07 11:04:15
1. ZenTao open source service
Note: Consultancy is free to all ZenTao users, but fast response and solutions are not guaranteed. If your problem is urgent and of importance, you should consider purchasing our paid technical support.
2. ZenTao Pro standard service

Note: The service mentioned above has been included in the package of ZenTao Pro license, so Pro users can use it for free.
3. ZenTao Pro enhanced service

Note: The services above will charge additional fees, and ZenTao Pro version users will have a discount.
- ZDOO Cloud
- A propos de nous
- Courriel: Philip@easycorp.ltd
- WhatsApp: 0086 18563953295
- Skype: philip517