General Installation

2016-06-17 09:40:21
Final Edition:tengfei De 2019-08-02 09:01:29

This article applies to the users who use other PHP environments to install ZenTao Pro.

1. Prepare the PHP environment

Linux + Apache + PHP(5.3/5.4/5.5/5.6/7.0/7.1) + MySQL(5.5/5.6)/mariadb is recommended, followed by Nginx. IIS+PHP is not recommended.

2. Download the installation package of ZenTao Pro

2.1 If you have tried ZenTao Pro, please use the installation package provided by the customer service. Please contact to get a free trial.

2.2 Download ZenTao Pro here  // and download the installation package. (The number of users is up to 3 and valid for up to 6 months.) 

After downloading the right package for your environment, unzip it to the www or htdocs of Apache directory.

3. Install the Ioncube loader

Please refer to this article to install Ioncube loader: //

4. Run the installation

Use your browser to access the http:// localhost/zentaopms/, and then do as the installation wizard instructed step by step. For more details please refer to //

5. Change licenses

5.1 Open source to Pro
You can upgrade ZenTao open source to ZenTao Pro. Back up your data first and then unzip the file download from our website. You will have a folder named zentaopms. Override the directory of open source with it and then follow the upgrade instruction HERE.

5.2 If your license for ZenTao Pro expired, you can override the license with the new one you purchased or got from our salesperson for a free trial. The license path is  zentaopro /config/license.

If any questions, contact us at

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