- About ZenTao Enterprise
- Installation
- Update and Upgrade
- 3 Update ZenTao Enterprise
- 3 Upgrade from Open Source to Enterprise
- 3 Upgrade from Pro to Enterprise
- Users and Privileges
- DevOps Management
- Office Automation
- Feedback Management
- Document Management
- Workflow
- 9 Build-in Workflow
- 9 Workflow Introduction
- 9 Example: Customize Build-in Workflows
- 9 Example: Add a Workflow
- 9 JS and CSS
- ZenTao Desktop
- 2019-01-30 09:23:56
- Renee
- 3897
- Final Edition:tengfei De 2019-07-15 14:05:23
ZenTao desktop Introduction
ZenTao Enterprise 3.1+ has integrated ZenTao Desktop. Once you set up ZenTao Client, it would be much easier for you to communicate with team members, to start a group conversation, to transfer files, to assign tasks, and to manage projects. It would smooth your team collaboration.
- For Windows one-click installation package, close Apache user authentication.
- If you use Windows one-click installation package, you have to disable Apache Authentication on ZenTao runner. Or you can't log in the desktop.
If you don't see what is in the red box, add it as shown below and restart xampp.
<Files "x.php"> SetHandler application/x-httpd-php </Files> <Files "upgradexuanxuan.php"> SetHandler application/x-httpd-php </Files>
Login failure troubleshooting
If you can't log in ZenTao desktop using ZenTao username and password,
· check whether ZenTao, ZenTao Desktop, and ZenTao Desktop server (xxd) work;
· if yes, check the setting of xxd.conf, e.g. server name, key, and default;
· go to Admin->Integrate->Server setting and check whether the server is on, if you see the Error 500 prompt.
- ZDOO Cloud
- A propos de nous
- Courriel: Philip@easycorp.ltd
- WhatsApp: 0086 18563953295
- Skype: philip517