- About ZenTao Enterprise
- Installation
- Update and Upgrade
- 3 Update ZenTao Enterprise
- 3 Upgrade from Open Source to Enterprise
- 3 Upgrade from Pro to Enterprise
- Users and Privileges
- DevOps Management
- Office Automation
- Feedback Management
- Document Management
- Workflow
- 9 Build-in Workflow
- 9 Workflow Introduction
- 9 Example: Customize Build-in Workflows
- 9 Example: Add a Workflow
- 9 JS and CSS
- ZenTao Desktop
Source Code Installation
- 2018-02-23 10:51:44
- Renee
- 7525
- Final Edition:tengfei De 2019-01-07 15:55:08
Source code installation of ZenTao Enterprise is in general. First, you should deploy the environment for it.
1. Deploy PHP, MySQL.
There are many installation guides for PHP and MySQL, but you should pay attention to the followings.
1.1 ZenTao requires modules like
pdo, pdo_mysql, json, filter, openssl, mbstring, zlib, curl, gd, iconv, so please make sure that PHP environment can load these modules.
1.2The combination of
Linux + Apache + PHP + MySQL is recommended, followed by Nginx, but IIS+PHP is not recommended.
1.3 In Linux, it is NOT recommended to compile and install PHP by yourself. You'd better install the PHP by built-in Package Manager.
2. Download the source code package
2.1 Download the latest source code ( .zip file) from the ZenTao official website. Make sure you download the right package for your PHP version.
2.2 Unzip it and get 'zentaopms' directory. Copy the directory to the corresponding directory of webserver( check the config file of your web server and decide which directory to copy to), such as to the 'www' or 'htdocs' of Apache.
2.3 Visit http://ip: PORT/zentaopms/www/index.php in your browser and it will automatically start the installation.
3. Installation
Agree to ZPL, the license used in Zdoo.
Go through the system checkup.
Generate the config file.
Save the config file. You can check it in zentaopms/config/my.php.
Set the Admin account and password for ZenTao.
If you see the message below, you have installed ZenTao Enterprise.
4. License
4.1 Open source to Enterprise
You can upgrade ZenTao open source to ZenTao Enterprise. Back up your data first and then unzip the file download from our website. You will have a folder named zentaopms. Override the directory of open source with it and then follow the upgrade instruction HERE.
4.2 ZenTao Pro to Enterprise
You can upgrade ZenTao open source to ZenTao Enterprise. Back up your data and your license ( zentaopro/config/license) first, then unzip the file download from our website. You will have a folder named zentaopms . Override the directory of open source with it and then follow the upgrade instruction HERE.
4.3 Change your Enterprise license
If your license for ZenTao Ent. expired, you can override the license with the new one you purchased or got from our salesperson for free trial. The license path is zentaobiz/config/license.
If any questions, contact us at Renee@cnezsoft.com.
- ZDOO Cloud
- A propos de nous
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- WhatsApp: 0086 18563953295
- Skype: philip517